September 4, 2024

Introducing a faster way to edit with AI

Type Content Team

AI, writing, and AI-writing experts


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We just released a new way to edit and rewrite text in Type.

You'll now be shown suggested edits directly inline when you rewrite text using Type's AI commands. You can accept or reject the suggestions individually – or all at once.

We also added new keyboard shortcuts for flying through AI suggestions:

  • Accept edit: A
  • Reject edit: R
  • Accept all: Command + Enter
  • Next suggestion: Shift + Command + . (Period)
  • Previous suggestion: Shift + Command + , (Comma)
  • Dismiss all: Escape

Note for PC users: use the CTRL key instead of Command.

To try AI suggested edits, just highlight some text in a Type document, tap the "AI" button, and select an editing command. (For a refresh on what each of the Brushes do, check out the Brushes section in our overview guide.)

We look forward to seeing what you write!

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