June 11, 2024

How to write a product review in 2024 (with examples and tips)

Type Content Team

AI, writing, and AI-writing experts


If you've ever tried to buy something on Amazon, you probably have looked through reviews to make your purchase decision. Whether it's for Amazon Vine reviews or your own blog, writing a product review is an excellent way to share your experience with other consumers.

Without product reviews, it can be hard for people to know which items are worth their money. A good review helps point consumers to products they'll love and keep them away from those they won't.

Table of contents

What is a product review?

A product review is a form of consumer feedback in which a product is analyzed based on performance, features, and value. It is a thorough evaluation that includes a description of the product as well as the reviewer's opinion.

Why write a product review?

A well-written product review can achieve several key objectives:

  • Informs consumers about the product's features and performance
  • Evaluates the product's strengths and weaknesses
  • Assesses how well the product lives up to its claims
  • Compares the product to similar options on the market
  • Provides a recommendation on whether the product is worth buying

While product reviews used to be found primarily in magazines and on dedicated review sites, the rise of e-commerce and social media has made them ubiquitous. Anyone can share their opinion on a product with a few clicks. However, that doesn't mean all reviews are created equal. Writing a thoughtful, balanced review still takes time and effort.

You can streamline the process with Type, an AI document generator and editor. Let the writing AI help you start closer to "done." 

Type's pop-up module titled "Generate draft." The user is writing a product review for an Oura ring. They've attached Type's product review template.
Use Type's writing AI to generate documents with custom style, voice, and format preferences.

How to write a good product review

An effective product review should give readers a clear sense of what the product is, how it performs, and whether it provides good value. Key elements include:

Product information

Provide the basic facts about the product.

Include the full product name, manufacturer, price, and where it can be purchased. If there are multiple variations or models available, specify which one you are reviewing.

Give context about the product category.

Share a bit about the type of product and what it's designed to do. Is it a new innovation or an iteration on an existing concept? What are the key features consumers expect from this kind of product?

Hook readers with an engaging intro.

Open your review with an attention-grabbing line that sets the tone and gives readers a sense of your overall opinion. Bold statements, provocative questions, or intriguing anecdotes can all work well.

Product experience and analysis

Describe your experience using the product.

Give an overview of when, where, and how you used the product. What were your first impressions? How easy was it to set up and use? Did it perform as expected? Use specific examples.

Evaluate the product's strengths and weaknesses.

Assess what the product does well and where it falls short. Consider elements like design, durability, performance, and ease of use. Again, provide concrete examples to illustrate your points.

Reflect on the product's overall value.

Share whether you feel the product is worth its price tag given its quality and capabilities. Does it offer a good value compared to similar products? Would you buy it again or recommend it to others?

Comparisons and conclusions

Compare to other products in its category.

Help readers understand how this product stacks up against its competitors. What does it offer that others don't? Are there areas where competitors outperform it? Provide context for your recommendation.

Give your bottom line assessment.

Clearly state whether you think this product is worth buying. Who do you think would benefit most from it? Are there any caveats to your recommendation? Summarize your rationale.

End with a powerful conclusion.

Close your review by reinforcing your overall opinion and leaving readers with something to consider. A thought-provoking question, call-to-action, or memorable line can all make for an effective ending.

A complete product review about an Oura ring.
Publish your reviews and become the next trusted source for product recommendations with our free product review template.

How to Write a Product Review in 5 Steps

1. Use the product and take notes

Before you can write a credible review, you need to thoroughly test the product. As you use it, jot down your impressions, experiences, and opinions. Note both positives and negatives. Take photos to potentially include.

Type can help you capture and organize your notes as you test the product. You can create a document with sections for different aspects like unboxing, setup, performance, etc. and easily add your thoughts under each.

2. Start with a hook and key details

Open your review with an engaging hook that conveys your overall sentiment and draws readers in. Then provide the essential facts about the product that consumers will want to know right away.

Type offers writing templates you can use to kick off your review. Just input the product details, along with your takeaway, and let the AI generate some options for you to customize.

3. Share your experience and analysis

Describe your experience with the product, covering the positives, negatives, and key takeaways. Evaluate what it does well and what could be improved, using specific examples. Reflect on its overall value.

You can use Type to help ensure your analysis is clear and persuasive. The AI can identify unsupported claims and suggest ways to bolster your points. It can also help you strike the right balance of detail.

4. Compare to alternatives and give your recommendation

Help readers understand how the product compares to other options in its category. Then provide your bottom-line recommendation, clearly stating whether you think it's worth buying and for whom. Summarize your reasoning.

Type can help you find relevant products to compare. Just enter the item details and let the AI suggest similar products worth mentioning. It's an easy way to add helpful context for your audience.

5. Finish strong and proofread

End your review with a memorable line that reinforces your overall assessment and gives readers something to ponder. Then carefully proofread your entire piece for spelling, grammar, and flow.

Type makes it easy to refine your review. The AI can help you craft an impactful conclusion and catch any writing mistakes. A few final polishes can make your review really stand out.

A pop-up menu from Type's writing template library. The "blog post" category contains templates and examples for a product review, opinion blog post, SEO blog post, and announcement blog post.
Check out our library for an easy-to-use templates.

Product review example

You can find our Product review template in our writing template library. This template provides a skeleton to include whatever information and details you'd like. Your product review can cover all sorts of talking points.

  1. Open up Type, click "New Document," and select the "Product review" template from the gallery.
  2. Under "knowledge sources," you can include a link to the product's original listing or storefront. This will give the writing AI more context to work with.
  3. Hit "Generate," and watch as Type's writing AI creates a custom product review for you in seconds.
  4. Refine the review with our Rewrite brushes. You can adjust the tone, shorten the text, enhance readability, and more.
  5. Add your own personal touches with specific examples and insights about your experience with the purchase. If you need some ideas, brainstorm with Type Chat, a chatbot that lives right next to your document.
  6. When you're done, ask Type to review your work for any grammar or spelling mistakes. A polished, error-free review will help you come across as credible and professional.
  7. Export your completed product review from Type in either a PDF or DOC file. It’s ready for you to share, post, or print!

How to format a product review

Here's an example outline of the key parts to include:

1. Eye-Catching Title

  • Provocative question
  • Bold statement
  • Clever wordplay

2. Engaging Intro and Product Basics

  • Hook that conveys overall opinion
  • Full product name and manufacturer
  • Price and where to buy
  • Product category and key features

3. User Experience

  • When, where, and how you used it
  • First impressions
  • Ease of setup and use
  • Performance vs. expectations

4. Analysis and Evaluation

  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Design and aesthetics
  • Durability and build quality
  • Functionality and performance
  • Ease of use and maintenance

5. Value Assessment

  • Quality and capabilities for the price
  • Value compared to similar products
  • Would you buy again or recommend

6. Comparisons

  • Similar products and competitors
  • Key differentiators
  • Areas others outperform it

7. Bottom Line Recommendation

  • Is it worth buying
  • Who would benefit most
  • Who would benefit the least
  • Caveats or disclaimers
  • Star rating or equivalent

8. Powerful Conclusion

  • Reinforce overall assessment
  • Thought-provoking question or CTA
  • Memorable final line

Every review will be unique based on the product and the reviewer's style and objectives. Use this as a starting point and tailor it to your needs. The key is to inform, analyze, and help readers make smart buying decisions. We recommend giving as much context as possible so the audience can make an informed decision.

Type's AI rewriting tools. They include Brushes such as "Improve," "Shorten," "Lengthen," and "Fix grammar."
Rewriting content is easy with the help of AI and Type's shortcuts.


Need inspiration for what else to include in your product review? Some of the best product review sites we looked at to build this template include:

  • Wirecutter: a product recommendation service from the New York Times. We really like the thoroughness of their reviews and process, along with their style and tone of voice.
  • CNet: a website that publishes reviews and news focusing on tech and consumer electronics. Their website is visually engaging. The excellent application of web and content design principles makes their reviews easy to skim.
  • Consumer Reports: one of the originals in the product review game. Consumer Reports is a nonprofit organization dedicated to product testing and investigative journalism. If you’re worried about bias, this publication is one of your best bets—they do zero advertising and take no freebies from companies.
  • The Strategist: New York Magazine’s brand that describes itself as “a site for helping people shop the internet smartly.” They are particularly adept at the art of affiliate links, while finding their audience incredible deals.
  • And Reddit: You can find dedicated forums about anything on the internet’s front page. You’ll need to find the specific subreddit (forums that focus on specific topics) for your query or product, but you can always count on Redditors to provide an incredible level of detail to their reviews. Check out /r/VacuumCleaners or /r/SkincareAddiction to get started.

These sites offer great examples of thorough, well-structured reviews you can use for more ideas. Type will also offer you suggestions about what to write about next as you work. You can copy it to your clipboard for pasting into your document, or ask the AI to write it for you.

Type's "What to write about next" menu, which suggests content ideas. The cards are stacked vertically, with an idea in each card.
Type also works as an AI brainstorming partner, offering ideas and suggestions on what to include in your content.


How long should a product review be?

The ideal length for a product review depends on the complexity of the item and the depth of your analysis. In general, aim for at least 300-500 words to adequately cover the key elements mentioned above, such as product specs, your experience, evaluation of pros and cons, comparisons, and overall recommendation.

If you're writing for your own blog or website, you have more leeway. Longer reviews of 700-1000+ words can work well for in-depth looks at a product. But for most online reviews, 500 words is a good goal for holding readers' attention while still providing plenty of helpful details and insights.

When you feel ready, you can open up Type, generate a product review using the template, and add any extra details. Try Type for free and start sharing your reviews today!

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